Individuals do not have to get into an accident or harm others to be found guilty. As long as they are intoxicated while operating their vehicle, they have broken the law.
Facing a first-time DWI charge in Texas can lead to serious legal repercussions for the individual who is arrested. One of the first moves that drivers should make after they are pulled over by an officer is to get in touch with qualified lawyers as soon as they have a chance. Drivers should speak to officers politely, but they should also make sure they do not speak too much as they may admit guilt without realizing it. For this reason, getting in touch with Austin DWI lawyers is important. Texas DWI lawyers will properly educate a person on the correct course of action they should take so they streamline their legal process.
Drivers who face a first-time DWI charge will be faced with a Class B misdemeanor. This charge is not the most serious, but it does entail a maximum fine of $3000 and maximum jail sentence of 6 months. It also leads to drivers license suspension and a permanent criminal record. These are general consequences a person may face. However, in reality, they will be given specific penalties based on the exact details of their situation.
DWI lawyers can help motorists build and present a strong defense so they do not end up suffering worse penalties then are absolutely necessary based on the evidence provided. The worse the damage caused by the driver while they were DWI, the more seriously the court will judge their case. For instance, if an accident was caused by the driver and they caused property damage and injured other people, they will face longer jail terms, and much heavier fines.
Image by Bill Oxford, via does a DWI Lead to a Class A Misdemeanor in Austin, Texas?
A Class A misdemeanor is the most severe misdemeanor category and leads to a year in jail as well as a maximum fine of $6000. A simple first-time DWI is usually considered a Class B misdemeanor. However, when the BAC is 0.15 or higher than the charge will be heightened to Class A.
Individuals do not have to get into an accident or harm others to be found guilty. As long as they are intoxicated while operating their vehicle, they have broken the law. It can be very confusing to try and figure out one’s next steps after getting pulled over by an officer, and that is why it is a good idea to turn to legal professionals without delay to get the guidance a person needs.
Driving while intoxicated in Texas can cause a lot of harm to the driver and those whom they share the road with. DWI accident lawyers can help a person figure out their next steps after they are pulled over under the suspicion of DWI.
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