Expert Representation at Giunta Law
Fires caused by carelessness pose a grave risk of death. Between one and two million Americans need medical attention for burn injuries every year. Many hazards can cause fatal burn injuries. In an industrial setting, hot or molten liquids are often the most frequent culprit. In the home setting, frayed or defective electrical wiring, defective electrical appliances water heaters, furnaces or natural gas leaks may cause fires or explosions that take the live of home occupants.
If you or a member of your family has sustained a burn injury or death, call our firm. Our team has handled burn and fatal injury cases for many years. Our experience is extensive. Even if you are not sure if your specific fire, explosion, or electrocution situation requires action, there is no reason why you shouldn’t call us and find out.
In a study done by the National Fire Protection Association, it was estimated that around 4,200 fires are started in homes and other structures due to the “ignition of natural gas” each year. (Natural Gas and Propane Fires, p.3). The study report went on to list several instances of reported gaseous explosions, one of which could have been avoided if the gas had been properly inspected by the company that delivered it (p. 10).
Though explosion cases may be rare when compared to the diverse array of emergencies or situations that can occur in day-to-day life, it is always important to be prepared with the knowledge of what to do in the event that an explosion does threaten you or a loved one’s safety. According to a post by, this is what you should do to prepare in the event of an explosion:
- Make an Emergency Supply Kit
- Emergency Supply Kits are an important item to have in the case of any dangerous situation. They can include necessities such as water, food, clothing, etc. to last for several days. They can also include other items such as cell phone chargers or duct tape. (Build A Kit |
- Make an Emergency Plan
- Having a plan of what to do in the event of an emergency is always vital to increasing your chances of surviving it. If you come across an emergency without a plan in the event it happens, people could die. Emergency Plans should include a list of all available exits, locations of emergency equipment (fire extinguishers, first aid kits, etc.), and potential plans on what to do with these equipment and locations in mind should an emergency happen.
- Learn to Identify Suspicious Activity
- Always make sure equipment is not malfunctioning or being used improperly. If either of these are the case, it can lead to serious injury. In addition to these, sometimes criminals or terrorists can carry explosives, and encourages people to learn to identify suspicious activity and report it to the authorities. You could save someone’s life, if not your own.
- Up-to-date Medical Information
- Whenever the plan will involve more than just yourself, such as in the case of an office building, make sure that your employer always has the most up-to-date information on any potential medical needs you have, and how to contact any emergency contacts should something happen.
If you or a loved one have been injured by an explosion, whether it be due to unsafe work premises, defective products, call us now at 800-515-7200. We will give you a free consultation where we will explore the options for your case, as well as answering any questions you might have. Frank Giunta is an expert in personal injury, and can offer the best help and advice for your situation.
In the event of an explosion, the safety of you and those around you is of utmost importance. According to | Explosions, here is what to do in the event of an explosion:
- Follow the Instructions of Local Officials – They will not always be on the scene immediately.
- Remain Calm – In the event of falling debris, find cover under a stable object such as a desk.
Leave the Area ASAP, If Safe – Don’t take your personal belongings with you OR make phone calls.
Once Evacuated, Text your Family Emergency Contact – Avoid phone calls unless it is an emergency.
Listen to Local Officials – Even if you are not directly involved in the explosion, officials may order an evacuation and you need to be informed if and when they do so.