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Consumer Reports Takes Steps to Save Lives – Legal Reader

We need and welcome Consumer Reports’ efforts to save lives!

Since the 1950’s I have known that Consumer Reports publishes information that can save you money, time, aggravation and maybe save your life.1
Now Consumer Reports has a major new initiative to require autos to have Automatic Crash Notification and Informed Emergency Rescue. See CR’s excellent article online.2
NHTSA has known since 1968 of the importance of faster and better emergency care. A Rand report on percentage of U.S. Wounded Dying of Wounds showed that the military had correlated Case Fatality Rates to Average Time to Definitive Surgery. In WW I (1918) it was 8.1 Fatality Rate and 12 – 18 hours. This was steadily reduced such that by the Vietnam War in 1965, the Case Fatality Rate was 1.0 when the Average Time to Definitive Surgery was 1.5 to 2 hours. 
AACN + URGENCY Software has enormous potential for reduction in mortality and morbidity. NHTSA has known since 1994 that we needed to use crash information to improve emergency care of crash victims. A chronological list of NHTSA studies on AACN and URGENCY document the lifesaving potential.3
Emergency vehicles on street; image by Nate Isaac, via
These studies show the potential of crash information communicated instantly and automatically for prompt dispatch of appropriate medical resources including extrication and 1 hour Medevac.
By the time I retired from NHTSA at the end of 2006, the agency was increasingly under the control of auto companies. Even CDC became corrupted by GM and Toyota money.4
The result for too many people on the roads has been tragic.5, 6
Without good governance, the people perish.7
NHTSA data shows that since the year 2000, the number of fatalities Not Taken to Hospital (any hospital, not necessarily a Trauma Center) has increased in number to nearly 20,000 each year. And in percent to nearly 56% of all crash fatalities.8
We need and welcome Consumer Reports’ efforts to save lives!
References (Live Links to Documents):

Top Picks 2023: CR’s Annual Report on Car Performance, Reliability, Satisfaction & Safety
Some Automakers Charge Extra for Automatic Crash Notification. These Don’t Make You Pay More for This Lifesaving Feature.
Rollover Crashes: Cheaper If They Die
CDC Triage Guidelines & Rollover Crash Deaths: Tragically 70% are Not Taken for Medical Care
Too Many Die without Optimal Care for Crash Victims
Emergency Medical Care for Crash Victims
Vehicle-related crash deaths: A continuing challenge

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