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What Happens If You Don’t Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer?

You are not legally required to hire a truck accident lawyer to represent you after a truck accident. You might feel more than capable of navigating the legal system alone and obtaining the settlement figure you deserve. However, that’s not to say that seeking legal help is not in your best interest. Failure to hire a lawyer might result in some of the following things happening: Not Understanding Your Rights
The average truck accident lawyer has spent several years in law school and even more years working with victims. They know the average accident victim’s rights and even have a rough idea of the compensation they can be owed. 
When you don’t have this same knowledge, it might be much easier for insurance companies to take advantage of you. They might do this by pressuring you into accepting a settlement offer or making claims that aren’t accurate.   
Accepting a Low Settlement Offer
If you’re negotiating with insurance companies yourself, rather than leaving this task to a law firm, accepting a low settlement offer can be a genuine risk. Insurance company representatives might tell you that what they’re offering you is their best and final offer. Scared about missing out, you might accept it with no questions asked. 
However, most truck accident lawyers are familiar with these tactics. They also know how many costs you can incur as an injured victim. They can handle negotiations on your behalf and fight for your right to the compensation you deserve. 
Poor Investigations
Truck accidents aren’t always as they seem. Many factors can be at play, even if an accident scene initially appears straightforward. Failure to identify all these factors might mean a legal case isn’t ruled in your favor. 
That might not be the case if you hired an accident lawyer. They have connections and resources to ensure accidents are investigated thoroughly. This can often put them in an excellent position to find evidence that might have otherwise been missed. 
Case Delays or Dismissal
You don’t have endless time to file a claim and seek justice. All states have various deadlines and specific requirements you must follow. If you’re not familiar with the legal system but choose to navigate it alone, you might be at risk of having your case dismissed or delayed. 
Case dismissal and delays can occur for many reasons, like not filing the necessary information on time or not submitting the required documents at all. These delays might be avoided with adequate legal representation. 
Challenges With Proving Liability
Proving liability is a crucial component of a successful truck accident case outcome. If liability can’t be established, you might not be able to demonstrate the negligence of a driver or trucking company. Often, proving negligence can be challenging without legal help. Lawyers have a great deal of experience in consulting experts, gathering evidence, and building a strong case. 
You are certainly not required to hire a lawyer after being involved in a truck accident. However, that doesn’t mean it’s not in your best interest. Failure to do so might mean you struggle to prove liability, experience a poor investigation, and possibly fail to receive the compensation you deserve.

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