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Smart Financial, Health, and Legal Moves for Seniors – Legal Reader

If you don’t already have a will or estate plan, find an experienced lawyer who specializes in working with senior citizens.
Are you one of the many senior citizens who wonder about the stability of their financial future? Or perhaps you have an elderly parent, and you’re trying to help them get their finances and estate in order. Either way, it’s critical to review a shortlist of wise money moves that can enhance and solidify a senior’s legacy and fiscal health. Other important chores include taking care of personal health.
The good news is that there are several effective ways to approach the situation. For so many older adults, the biggest concern they have is how to build financial security for their last years. But a close second on the list of worries is how to dispose of their money, property, and other wealth once they pass away. Step one for seniors should be to discuss all the options with their closest family members.
After that, consider finding a reputable life settlement company to turn unwanted policies into ready cash. Then, update all medical files and catch up on any missed appointments as recommended by doctors, dentists, and other health care professionals. One of the best steps at this point is to consult with a licensed financial planner, CPA (certified public accountant), or lawyer who specializes in estate matters. Here are details about how to get started.
Hold a Conference with Family Members
Before anything else, confer with close family members about your plans if you are a retired person who wants to get finances, healthcare, and estate matters in order. Let people know what your wishes are, in general, and ask for personal referrals for lawyers, accountants, and estate planners. Sometimes family members can help each other out this way and save money by using a professional they already know and trust. It’s not necessary to let everyone know your exact plans about wills and trusts, but if you wish to choose someone to administer your estate after you die, it’s essential to let that person know as soon as possible.
Find a Reputable Life Settlement Company
Choosing a life settlement company is job one for any senior who wants to convert an unwanted policy into cash. Choose from the best life settlement companies based on their experience, reputation, and service. If you currently have a policy in place, keep in mind that the settlement industry is relatively new, so it’s imperative to find one that can help you understand how the process works, explain the various benefits of selling a policy, and offer you a fair price. There are many variables, which means you should do your homework and learn as much as you can about the companies before choosing the one that’s most suited to your needs. Knowledge is power, and it gives you the chance to get the best price for your policy by working with a top-notch life settlement company.
Update Doctor, Dentist, and Eye Care Files

Person holding eyeglasses; image by Rawpixel, via it’s been a while since you’ve been in for a full medical exam, consider getting all your health care matters in order at the same time. For instance, speak with a general practitioner to coordinate care with any needed specialists. Then, get dental health back on track by booking an annual appointment. Do the same for eye care providers and any other professionals you need to visit.
Consult with a Financial Planner
Paying for a few hours of a financial planner’s time is well worth the cost. What do you get in exchange for the fee? They’ll help you coordinate all your health spending, legal expenses, and long-term debt if you have any. But licensed planners can do a lot more, like help you review multiple insurance policies to see which ones are worth the premiums and which ones aren’t. Then, you’ll be in a much better position to decide whether you want to cash any of your insurance contracts.
Get Competent Legal Advice
If you don’t already have a will or estate plan, find an experienced lawyer who specializes in working with senior citizens. If you bring all your documents with you to the meeting, a comprehensive review should take less than an hour and will give you as much estate guidance and tax advice as you need to move forward. Plus, you can find out all the particulars about retirement accounts and how to make withdrawals at the right time.

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