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Why You Should Never Post About Your Crash on Social Media

Experiencing a car accident can be one of the most traumatic experiences in any person’s life. It’s only a natural instinct for many people to share such a major event with their friends and family on social media. However, a simple post about your car accident can significantly impact your ability to get compensation in the future.How Posting on Social Media Can Impact Your Car Accident Claim
If you’ve been involved in a car accident, it’s important to be aware that anything you post on social media can be used against you in your claim. For example, if you post about how the accident happened, the other driver’s insurance company could use your statements as evidence that you were at fault.
In addition, if you post photos of the accident scene or your injuries, the insurance company could argue that those injuries were not as severe as you claim. It’s important to be aware that even private posts and messages can be obtained through a subpoena.
What Is a Subpoena?
A subpoena is a legal order that requires you to provide information or documents to another party. In the context of a car accident claim, an insurance company can subpoena your social media accounts in order to obtain information that could be used to deny or reduce your claim.
For example, if you post about returning to work or engaging in activities that you claimed were too painful to do following the accident, the insurance company could use that information to argue that you were not actually injured.
While it may be tempting to share your story on social media, it’s important to be aware of the potential consequences before you do. An experienced car accident attorney can help you navigate the claims process and protect your rights. Contact Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation.
Not Sure What to Do After a Car Accident? Contact Us Today!
If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, the experienced Texas and Louisiana car accident attorneys at Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers can help. We understand the challenges you’re facing and will fight to get you the compensation you deserve.
Get in touch with our team today at (888) 492-5532 to schedule a consultation!

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