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Things You Should Avoid During Divorce

A divorce can be a complicated process, so there is no need to make it harder than it already is. The sad state is that almost 50% of married couples end up separating in the US. Yes, it is more common than you think. Well, we have compiled with a few pointers to help you through this difficult time. We will cover some key mistakes you should avoid during divorce.
Comparing your divorce with others
As you go through this difficult moment you should be mindful of advice your friends or family give you. More so if they do not understand the full extent of your situation. Every divorce is unique in its own way. Therefore, you should trust your gut and the advice of your lawyer as you proceed with filing for divorce.
Letting your emotions control you
Understandably, a divorce comes with its fair share of heightened emotions. However, if you let your feelings cloud your judgment, you will most likely do things you will later regret. Treat your divorce as if it was a business transaction and try to keep calm. Understand that sometimes relationships fall apart and accept that it is better to go your separate ways.

Getting into a rebound relationship
You might convince yourself that a rebound relationship will ease your pain and help you get over your ex-spouse. However, it would be best to take time out to practice self-care and process your emotions. Prioritize your well-being and find out what brings you the most joy.
Buying a property before the divorce has been finalized
If you start a business or invest in a property before the divorce has been finalized, the court might have no option but to divide the property between you and your spouse. Wait until after the divorce to start investing in land or a business.
Again, speak to a top lawyer near you to help you make the right legal decisions. If you are in Chicago, for example, you can talk to a top family law attorneys at Beermann LLP to help in the process. It is worth noting that the laws on property vary depending on where you are. As a rule of thumb, it is recommended that you identify your separate property as you go through the process.
Hiding or lying about important details
Ensure you are transparent with your spouse and attorney about your assets, accumulated debts, and belongings. Being honest will prevent you from making the situation worse and being charged with contempt of court.  You should also avoid destroying important documents such as prenups or altering documents and title deeds in your favor.
Talking ill of your spouse in front of others
Please don’t badmouth your spouse in the presence of your children. Remember that they, too, are having a hard time coming to terms with the separation. The same case applies to belittling your spouse on social media. Your spouse will use your online activity against you in the courtroom. Avoid airing your dirty linen in public whenever you feel angry with your partner, and talk to your lawyer instead.
Incurring unnecessary debts
Now is not the time to order expensive jewelry or go for an expensive vacation! Once the judge has decided on the division of assets and debts, you might end up being solely responsible for your unnecessary expenses and debts.
Wrapping up
We hope that our tips will help you have a smooth transition and avoid friction between you and your spouse as you separate. If you have kids, it is important to have their best interests at heart. Avoid doing anything that will affect them psychologically and mentally.

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